舞曲编号:106139 舞曲类型:恰恰 舞曲时长:6分12秒 喜欢这首交谊舞曲 请把网址发给您QQ上的三个好友! LOL 唱:Twins 词:黄厚霖 曲:Danielle Senior,Andreas Oberg,Nadir Benkahla,Saeed Molavi 晚晚到凌晨 天光先至瞓 返工等放假何来热吻 永远最烦人 要辘卡手会震 来笑笑最强人人have some fun Everybody laugh through the night 笑笑就美丽 Everybody laugh through the night 不讲东讲西 放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声 We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night 要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星 We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night L O L L O L L O L We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night 最勇猛行为 最高的智慧 也无笑容能完全自制 和我笑到凌晨 都不眼瞓 无计较笑容能长期共震 Everybody laugh through the night 笑笑就美丽 Everybody laugh through the night 不讲东讲西 放弃叫喊声埋怨声厌恶痛哭声 We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night 要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星 We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night L O L L O L We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night 闭上眼带你 let go of your mind 免费的笑声不落败 笑笑实在极伟大 So let's laugh louder and louder 埋怨声厌恶痛哭声 We'll be laughing through the night Laughing through the night 要靠这笑声来发声带你看星星 ![]() |