舞曲编号:052284 舞曲类型:恰恰 舞曲时长:7分12秒 喜欢这首交谊舞曲 请把网址发给您QQ上的三个好友! The River of Babylon 波尼·M合唱团 by the rivers of babylon there we sat down when we remembered zion by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we wept when we remembered zion for there they that carried us away in captivity requiring of us a song now how shall we sing the lord’s song in a strange land for there they that carried us away in captivity requiring of us a song now how shall we sing the lord’s song in a stranger land let the words of our mouths and the meditathons of our hearts be acceptable in the sight here tonight let the words of our mouths and the meditathons of our hearts be acceptable in the sight here tonight by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we wept when we remembered zion by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we wept when we remembered zion ah…ah ah… ah by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we wept when we remembered zion by the rivers of babylon there we sat down yeah we wept ![]() |
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